The objective of the session will be to bring together leading researchers, thinkers, and policy-makers working on the nexus between migration and sustainable development in order to facilitate a discussion on leveraging research and evidence at various levels (local, national and global) for informed policy-making and to deliberate on a set of action points for moving forward.

Migration and remittances have been occupying unprecedented attention in the global policy arena recently. This can be attributed to the ‘migration crisis’ in Europe as well as integration of migration and remittances in the Agenda 2030 on sustainable development. Unlike its predecessor MDGs, SDGs recognize that migration and remittances play a critical role in reducing inequalities within and between countries (SDG 10), and generating the resources needed to achieve the global commitments for sustainable development (SDG 17). Enhanced mobility, changes in populations and communities in both sending and receiving areas, and the remittances that mobility generates, are key elements of current transitions especially in the developing world. And yet, there is a disconnect between how migration is framed in SDG 10 and SDG 17, which are focused on the social dimensions of ‘sustainable development’, and other goals concerned with ‘environmental’ dimensions’ of SDGs (including those related to climate action).

Similarly, at the national level in many developing countries, there is little attention on how migration and remittances can be managed to transform landscapes for improved human wellbeing and greater climate resilience. The limited existing scholarship tends to be premised on simplistic assumptions about the role of migration and its impact on climate change, livelihoods and sustainability of natural resources. Hence, there are considerable gaps in data available for effective and equitable policy-making.

The panel discussions will bring together practical experiences and innovative research from multiple locations across Asia, Africa and Latin America on the nexus among migration, remittances and sustainable landscapes.

Discussion Forum 16: Managing migration and remittances for environmentally sustainable

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