PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet is a global initiative to identify and celebrate existing local, national and regional solutions for nature conservation and sustainable development, facilitate knowledge exchange, and support broader application of success stories. Solution case studies are published on an online platform, documented in a standardized format describing their replicable key modules, or “building blocks”. The solutions and their uptake are further promoted by the PANORAMA partners (GIZ, IUCN, UN Environment, GRID-Arendal, Rare and IFOAM) including through publications, webinars and workshops. To date, the web platform features 450 solutions submitted by around 400 individual solution providers from around 70 countries.

The initiative currently covers four global, interlinked thematic communities: Ecosystem-based adaptation, protected areas, agriculture and biodiversity, and marine and coastal. A fifth theme, “Business engagement”, will be launched just before the GLF at the 14th Conference of Parties under the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).

This side event will introduce the PANORAMA initiative in general with a focus on the Ecosystem-based adaptation (led by GIZ) and Agriculture and biodiversity (co-led by GIZ, Rare and IFOAM-Organics International) thematic communities in particular. Examples of relevant solutions from around the world will be introduced, with a number of “solution providers” being present in person, including e.g. Panduh Tukat of Fairventures Worldwide Indonesia.

Side Event 7: PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet: Connecting for impact: Promoting local success stories to inform global policy targets

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