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Join 5,000 people to protect Africa’s landscapes

11 Mar 2021

On 2 June, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will host the first-ever digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands. The event will explore how restoration can contribute positively to the lives of millions of people who are threatened by drought, livelihood loss and hunger – and are too often driven to perilous migration.

World’s first African drylands digital conference

4 Feb 2021

Africa’s drylands are the birthplace of some of the world’s most extraordinary civilizations and species, from ancient kingdoms to wild elephants to “miracle grains” like millet and sorghum -- but climate change has not been kind to these landscapes.

7 biodiversity policy recommendations

12 Jan 2021

A new report by the GLF and Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL), One World, One Health: recommendations for harnessing the power of landscapes, confronts biodiversity loss, global pandemics such as COVID-19, and climate change realities as the mass extinction that could see up to a million species disappear from the Earth in the coming decades. […]

Best of 2020 & a free virtual cinema

11 Dec 2020

IN FOCUS FOR DECEMBER Best of 2020: food, restoration, livelihoods, rights, communities, finance, progress and more New podcast: Creating ‘One Landscape’ with GLF managing director John Colmey Two days left to watch critically-acclaimed documentary, Gather, for free Sign up for a webinar on what can be done to save the Aral Sea in Central Asia […]

One World, One Health takes center stage at biodiversity conference

20 Nov 2020

As countries grapple with ripples and resurgences of the zoonotic COVID-19 virus, the global community is taking stock of its failures to prevent mass biodiversity loss and extinction and setting a better agenda for the coming decade.

Largest online conference on biodiversity is 2 weeks away

4 Oct 2020

On 28-29 October 2020, biodiversity will come to the fore at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World - One Health. Expect 7,000+ global citizens attending and 200+ expert speakers.

2 days: 4 plenaries, 21+ interactive sessions, all timezones

1 Sep 2020

Here is a preview of a few of the exciting events planned for the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World - One Health, 28-29 October. Updates will be made in the coming weeks when we will reveal the full set of speakers as well as the dates and times of the entire program. Expect 7,000+ attending and 200+ speakers.

Open now: registration, applications for GLF Biodiversity

15 Jul 2020

Join thousands of biodiversity experts, scientists, policymakers, journalists, activists, private sector and Indigenous groups at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference to learn how the world’s leading organizations are uniting in the wake of COVID-19 to conserve and protect the world’s disappearing biodiversity—from seeds to sea turtles. Held under the theme ‘One World - One Health’, this two-day event will reach tens of millions of people, spotlight ecosystem restoration and contribute to the UN CBD’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, making 2020 the super year for nature and biodiversity.

Beyond Bonn – What’s next for GLF?

15 Jun 2020

The European Space Agency (ESA) is helping farmers monitor plant health with satellite data, tools and algorithms. ESA’s Earth Observation Director, Josef Aschbacher and astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti spoke about the advantages a space perspective can bring when monitoring natural resources at GLF Bonn. Photo courtesy of the ESA.The European Space Agency (ESA) is helping farmers monitor plant health with satellite data, tools and algorithms. ESA’s Earth Observation Director, Josef Aschbacher and astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti spoke about the advantages a space perspective can bring when monitoring natural resources at GLF Bonn. Photo courtesy of the ESA.