Mitigation Adaptation Synergies MitigationAdaptation Synergies looks for ways to exploit the synergies between REDD+ and climate change adaptation, to ensure that REDD+ has an impact beyond mitigation and is sustainable in a changing climate.
The primary purpose of REDD+ is to help mitigate climate change by avoiding the release of carbon emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. Mitigation is crucial for limiting the extent of climate change and thus the severity of its impacts on society.
Yet even with strong mitigation efforts, the climate will continue to change. Therefore, we must be prepared to adapt to these changesto adjust human and natural systems so that communities are more resilient and can cope with the harmful effects of climate variability.
Forests are important for both mitigation and adaptation, so it makes sense to analyze the linkages between these strategies and identify opportunities to enhance the outcomes of both. In particular, it would be highly benefi cial to use REDD+ to support measures that help reduce forest communities vulnerability to the effects of climate change.
To guide the development of methods to achieve such synergies, our research analyzes national and international policies and standards to see how they can support integration, assesses the vulnerability of communities and forests, and explores the outcomes of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation.