The Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) is a global initiative that supports the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) and promote sustainable forest management. Although still a relatively new initiative, it is showing promise as a new model for building capacity and broadening engagement with IPLCs. A broad range of stakeholders – including forest-dependent communities, DGM practitioners, donors, multilateral development banks, and climate funds – have expressed a strong interest in both the DGM-specific and the universal lessons that are being captured.
Dedicated Grant Mechanism and Support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Engagement in Landscape Restoration on the Ground
Author: World Bank
Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
Language: English
Year: 2021
Ecosystem(s): Drylands and Rangelands
Location(s): Africa
This video is part of following session:
World Bank Group
Maria Sarraf
Practice Manager, World Bank
Okyeame Kwame
Musician and climate change activist
Johnson Cerda
DGM Global Technical Director, Conservation International
Kapupu Diwa Mutimanwa
DGM Global Steering Committee member, President, League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo (LINAPYCO)
Garo Batmanian
Global Lead for Forests, Landscapes, and Biodiversity, ENB GP, World Bank
Diallo Kadydja
President, Allah Wallou, Burkina Faso
Meerim Shakirova
Natural Resources Management Specialist, World Bank
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