Our understanding of reality is science, and so too is our shaping of it. Facts, research, evidence are ideally the foundations of how consequential decisions are made, in policy, business and institutions, but also in households, relationships and one’s own life. Now, what role is science playing in creating a true narrative during crises such as COVID-19 and climate change? And vice versa: how are crises affecting science’s narrative and public trust? In this session, a forestry scientist speaks with the head of some of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals about the role of science in narrative-building today.
How science shapes narratives during crises like COVID-19 and climate change
Publisher: GLF
Language: English
Year: 2020
Ecosystem(s): Forests
Location(s): Global
This video is part of following session:
Holden Thorp
Editor-in-Chief, Science Family of Journals
Amy Duchelle
Senior Forestry Officer & Team Leader Climate Change & Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)