The role of forests and trees in providing multiple goods and services that contribute to the resilience and adaptive capacity of people and ecosystems has not yet gotten the attention it deserves in climate policy and action. In this session, FAO and CIFOR-ICRAF will invite diverse and intergenerational perspectives to highlight recent concrete examples of adaptation and resilience in the face of unprecedented climate change events, making strong connections to human and ecosystem health. Speakers will highlight the role of forests and trees as part of the solution to building resilient societies and a transformative economy of care for people and nature.
Leveraging the Power of Forests and Trees for Climate Resilience
This video is part of following session:
Mahamat Assouyouti
Michael Philippe Bessike Balinga
Houria Djoudi
Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Amy Duchelle
Senior Forestry Officer & Team Leader Climate Change & Resilience, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Ravi Prabhu
Director General ad interim , ICRAF
Mette Løyche Wilkie
Director, Forestry Division, FAO
Tuntiak Katan Jua
Vice Coordinator General, COICA
Sumarni Laman
Dayak Youth Indigenous Leader & Restoration Steward 2021, The Heartland Project
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