Watch this Discussion Forum on the second day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, in Lima, Peru, during COP20. Landscapes across many developing countries are experiencing rapid changes mostly due to increasing demand for food and other natural resources, exacerbated by drivers such as climate change. Over time, these frontier landscapes often give rise to “novel societies” with a diversity of actors that have different productive strategies, cultural and migration histories, and access to capital, technology and markets. The panelists address questions including how context dependent success stories are, how they can help promote learning and positive outcomes in landscapes elsewhere, and what mechanisms are most effective in connecting tailored, bottom-up solutions to sustainability problems with top-down policies.


Toby Gardner
Research Fellow
Stockholm Environment Institute

Grégoire Leclerc
Senior scientist
French Agency for Agricultural Development Research

Diego Pacheco
Bolivian delegation, UNFCCC

Washington Alvarado Toledano
National Director, Ecosystem and Society Department
Chilean National Forestry Corporation

Raffaele Vignola
Latin American Chair of Environmental Decisions for Global Change

Yolanda Ramírez Villacorta
Director, Research and Human Development
Asociación para la investigación y Desarrollo Integral

Sunday, 7 December 2014
Global Landscapes Forum, Lima, Peru
#COP20GLF #ThinkLandscape

Moving targets: Challenges and opportunities for sustainability in “frontier” landscapes

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