Introducing the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy


In cooperation with policymakers in the partner countries, the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy project is working to improve the framework conditions for good land governance. Together with its partners, the project aims to introduce transparent procedures and mechanisms in land administration, thereby improving the population’s situation with respect to land rights.

The Global Programme is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union, and works in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Laos, Madagascar, Peru (completed in 2021), Uganda and Paraguay (completed in 2018).


Strengthening small farmer’s land rights


The livelihoods of large parts of the world’s population depend directly on access to land. If access is denied, the results are often hunger and underdevelopment. The Global Programme has helped in:

  • Strengthening the land rights of over 155,000 small farming households. Of these, more than 60,000 households have registered their land rights in the name of the woman or together as a couple.
  • Resolving nearly 4,100 land conflicts.
  • Additionally, more than 75 agricultural investors follow international guidelines and thus contribute to sustainable development.


Learn more about The Global Programme Responsible Land Policy

Why land rights matter

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