About GLF Nairobi 2023: ‘A new Vision for Earth’


The GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, held on October 11 and 12, convened global thought leaders to set the stage for COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference. This pivotal event mobilised action on critical issues affecting humanity, biodiversity, and our planet.

The conference featured two focused days: Day 1 centered on “Africa’s Sovereign Solutions,” exploring pathways to a sustainable and prosperous future for the continent. Day 2, dedicated to climate, aimed to craft a “Survival Guide for a Planet in Crisis,” paving the way for a fairer world ahead of COP28.

GLF Nairobi brought together a diverse coalition of influential voices, ranging from scientists, activists, and Indigenous leaders to financiers, women, youth, policymakers, and private sector representatives. As a united front, we collectively championed change and passionately advocated for meaningful action in these pivotal times.


About this session


Secure land rights and legal tenure are crucial to sustainable forest landscape restoration (FLR) as they can shape the willingness of local actors to engage and invest in FLR efforts. At the same time, access to land and land use are shaped by gender relations.

This session aims to shed light on these issues, highlighting the importance of a rights-based and gender-sensitive FLR approach. It brings in examples from Madagascar and Ethiopia, where the certification of FLR areas is in progress. Starting with a keynote by BMZ, with input from representatives of local user groups and NGOs engaged in the certification process, this session examines key challenges, success factors and lessons learned at the intersection of land rights, gender and FLR.



Women as Agents of Change: Securing Land Rights for Sustainable Forest Landscape Restoration

Language: English, French

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Forests

Location(s): Ethiopia, Madagascar

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