About GLF Nairobi 2023: ‘A new Vision for Earth’


The GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, held on October 11 and 12, convened global thought leaders to set the stage for COP28, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference. This pivotal event mobilised action on critical issues affecting humanity, biodiversity, and our planet.

The conference featured two focused days: Day 1 centered on “Africa’s Sovereign Solutions,” exploring pathways to a sustainable and prosperous future for the continent. Day 2, dedicated to climate, aimed to craft a “Survival Guide for a Planet in Crisis,” paving the way for a fairer world ahead of COP28.

GLF Nairobi brought together a diverse coalition of influential voices, ranging from scientists, activists, and Indigenous leaders to financiers, women, youth, policymakers, and private sector representatives. As a united front, we collectively championed change and passionately advocated for meaningful action in these pivotal times.


About this session


There’s no question there’s a global appetite for wild meat. But how can we strike a balance between conservation and the well-being of local populations?  This session aims to share knowledge, discuss challenges and strengthen international collaborations to address the complex issues surrounding bushmeat consumption.

Speakers introduced the WILDMEAT Database and the FORET Project, which aim to inform policy decisions and protect biodiversity while supporting local communities. The Sustainable Wildlife Management Project investigates sustainable wildlife consumption and community-based resource management. The goal is to find answers for sustainable wildlife management and the development of alternative livelihoods in various regions.

Win-win wildlife management: How conservation can improve livelihoods

Language: English, French

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): Africa

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