Join us online or in-person from 5-7 November 2021 for the hard-hitting, inclusive and solutions-oriented GLF Climate Hybrid Conference. Held alongside the COP26 international climate negotiations in Glasgow, the three-day event will impart cutting-edge information, connect key actors and catalyze evidence-based action to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis.
The road to GLF Climate
Students and young professionals aged between 18 and 35 will have the opportunity to prepare for GLF Climate through the month of October with a digital learning journey, #GenerationRestoration: The Advocacy Odyssey, to explore different approaches to youth advocacy for ecosystem restoration. The online program will consist of one networking session and three interactive sessions, which will respectively explore how to navigate negotiations; effective eco-storytelling; and activist tactics for environmental justice.
At the conference
When the day arrives, there’ll be a multitude of sessions to choose from, and ways to get involved. The event will feature:
- Plenaries
- Interactive sessions
- Climate talks with thought leaders – Bite-sized inspirational talks on climate solutions by thought leaders of today and tomorrow
- Global launches
- A film festival
- A digital exhibition center – Browse and network with globally and locally-led organizations dedicated to climate action.
- Youth Daily Shows – 30-minute dynamic sessions will highlight the expertise of young people involved in climate action.
- Climate Cafes – Networking and shared spaces to share your climate concerns, be equipped with knowledge and tools, and get inspired to act by the work and stories of fellow climate champions.
Days 1 and 2
The first two days of GLF Climate will set the scene as to why this is the most important climate summit in history. We will examine countries’ climate commitments and keep participants abreast of the negotiations occurring at COP26, while providing a channel for the voices of local climate heroes, land stewards and Indigenous Peoples – especially those who are unable to make it to Glasgow themselves.
Plenary speakers will respond to the urgency and clarity of the IPCC report, build on the momentum of 2021 efforts such as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the World Conservation Congress and the UN Food Systems Summit, and explore why forests, food and finance are crucial for the integrated action needed to deliver the Paris climate goals and secure a sustainable future.
Sessions will discuss topics such as mainstreaming forests and nature within agricultural production to build nature-inclusive food systems, make zero-deforestation real, secure the rights and livelihoods of local communities, enhance food security and sovereignty and scale innovative finance mechanisms to connect forest ecosystem restoration and bioeconomy.
Day 3 – Investment Case symposium
The third day of GLF Climate will be devoted to our 5th Investment Case symposium, which is part of the Luxembourg-GLF Finance for Nature Platform. The symposium has two overarching objectives: i) the increased adoption and incorporation of nature-based solutions (NbS) and sustainable land-use approaches in sustainable finance practices, and ii) to promote and explore opportunities for NbS investments.
Critical topics for the financing of climate-smart land use will be echoed in the day’s agenda, including:
- innovative and scalable financing approaches to NbS;
- increasing opportunities for NbS in global sustainable finance;
mainstreaming sustainable finance for NbS in the financial sector; - scaling up NbS synergistically with other global sustainable development targets;
- the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy’s relevance to NbS;
- accelerating NbS growth and adoption in developing and emerging countries;
- natural climate solutions, including drivers from carbon markets; and
- sound practices for developing and structuring bankable NbS projects.
The event will also celebrate the next generation of finance innovators promoting NbS, and foster financing alliances and partnerships to support the implementation of global commitments such as the Great Green Wall Initiative, AFR100, Initiative 20×20 and ECCA30.
This final day of the conference will also feature a number of launches and announcements, including the International Climate Finance Accelerator cohort for 2021, and the winners of the Ecopreneurs competition.
Please see the detailed agenda here.
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