Next week, join a group of experts exploring ways to raise and equitably distribute funds for sustainable land use at the grassroots level
Bonn, Germany (6 July 2023) – Nature-based solutions are a crucial climate crisis remedy – and they can also help secure sustainable livelihoods for rural communities in the Global South.
Many sustainable finance solutions aim to support these local actors managing the land and promote an equitable distribution of resources, but these initiatives have often run into governance and equity challenges. By working together and following approaches such as the stewardship economy, investors and local communities and enterprises can overcome these challenges and prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet.
Next week, at the Finance for Nature Digital Forum: Investing in Equitable Futures in Latin America and the Caribbean, join local innovators and investors in unraveling the hurdles and opportunities of sustainable investment in the region. Covering issues such as the legal recognition of Indigenous rights, the compatibility of financing mechanisms with traditional and local knowledge, and appropriate financial mechanisms for local producers and enterprises, experts will show how reciprocal relationships between people and nature can lead to successful nature-based solutions.
Among the local initiatives to be unveiled, entrepreneurs will pitch three projects to a panel of sustainable financiers:
- The REDD Cerrado Program, the first of its kind, will avoid deforestation in Brazil by generating premium carbon credits to provide landholders with an economic alternative to conventional agriculture and deforestation.
- The Ecosystem Restoration Fund will safeguard forests in Guatemala by leveraging public and private funds and applying methods such as sustainable ecological cultivation and production.
- Brunca Verde aims to restore ecosystems and strengthen the socioeconomic standing of Indigenous Peoples, small farmers and coastal communities on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica to promote climate adaptation.
“Indigenous Peoples receive less than 1% of climate finance, even though many studies have demonstrated that the most effective way to protect biodiversity is by securing Indigenous lands,” says Aldo Soto, managing director and co-founder of Amazonia Impact Ventures, and one of the speakers at the upcoming digital forum.
WHAT: three sessions revolving around sustainable agriculture, local communities in action, investment-ready projects evaluated in a Dragons’ Den style and climate finance reaching Indigenous Peoples. Simultaneous interpretation into English, Spanish, Portuguese and French available. Find the agenda here.
WHEN: Thursday, 13 July 2023, 9:00–11:45 UTC-5 (Lima, Bogota, Quito).
WHERE: Online. Register here for free.
WHO: Financiers and innovators speaking from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. Learn more about them here.
- For more information and/or to arrange interviews with Aldo Soto, managing director and co-founder of Amazonia Impact Ventures; María Pía Hernández, manager at the Fondo Territorial Mesoamericano (FTM); or other speakers, contact Kelly Quintero (k.quintero@cifor-icraf.org). Fernando Campos, manager of Conservation and Climate Finance at Sitawi, is also available for interviews.
- Add the event to your calendar here.
- Find visual assets in multiple languages in this Trello board. If you need additional materials, contact Kelly Quintero (k.quintero@cifor-icraf.org).
About the GLF
The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on integrated land use, connecting people with a shared vision to create productive, profitable, equitable & resilient landscapes. It is led by the Center for International Forestry Research–World Agroforestry Centre (CIFOR–ICRAF), in collaboration with its co-founders UNEP and the World Bank, and its charter members. Learn more at www.globallandscapesforum.org.
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