Join webinar on Wed 26 Nov & learn what landscape approaches are

11 Nov 2014

Webinar: What are landscape approaches?

Starts 09:00 Bangkok time on Wed November 26

(21:00 Peru on Tuesday Nov 25)


You may have heard the term “landscapes approach” being increasingly used in discussions about sustainably managing land in the context of a changing climate. But what is it; why is it important for sustainable agriculture, food security, forestry and climate change adaptation; and how might the landscapes approach change the way that land is governed?

In this webinar, you will learn to think critically about the different perceptions/interpretations of landscapes and how these are linked to multiple land uses, multiple stakeholders, multi-stakeholder decision-making, and governance. The webinar will take place as part the “Landscape Functions and People: Landscape Leadership, Conflicts and Collaboration” course being run by Wageningen University Center for Development Innovation and RECOFTC in Bangkok.

The skills taught in this webinar will be built upon and put into practice during the “Critical thinking and understanding landscapesMasterclass on December 5th in Lima, Peru.

About the Trainers:

  • Dr. Cora van Oosten is Senior Project Leader at the Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research centre (UR), Netherlands. She is a Human Geographer with approximately 25 years of international experience in landscape approaches, governance, and participatory planning. Currently Cora is in charge of a project portfolio related to landscape approaches, governance, and capacity development. Within this area, she has developed a keen interest in the restoration of degraded landscapes in the tropics.

  • Bunmi Ajilore is a visiting researcher at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), a science communicator for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and a member of the GFAR/Foresight Forward Thinking Platform.

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